Bryan Wilkinson
Bryan is a licensed clinical social worker with over fifteen years of experience working with adolescents and young adults as well as their families. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire's dual degree program with an M.S.W. and M.S. in Outdoor Education with a focus on adventure therapy.
Bryan has worked in a variety of settings and and with diverse clientele including: college students, high schools, therapeutics boarding schools, alternative day school programs, adventure courses, and community based programs. Bryan started in the outdoor field guiding for a wilderness therapy program in the high deserts of Utah garnering over 500 field days with that program alone. He has also led international trips to Costa Rica, England, and Scotland.
He is an avid outdoor lover with a family motto of "outside is better than inside." Bryan grew up in Michigan quickly becoming a sports fan playing any kind of sport outside with his buddies. He found his thirst for the outdoors after college taking some backpacking trips in the Smokies and never looked back. Bryan now lives in the Finger Lakes of New York going on daily walks with his dogs and family. He loves the freedom of biking, swimming in any kind of freshwater, and making homemade pizza. When not outside, he can be found at the hockey rink refereeing or by his woodstove working on a crossword.